
  • CWL is a standard for describing workflows based on command-line tools.
  • CWL workflows are written in a subset of YAML.
  • A CWL workflow is more portable than a shell script.
  • CWL supports software containers, supporting reproducibility on different machines.

CWL and Shell Tools

  • A tool description describes the interface to a command line tool.
  • A workflow describes which command line tools to use in one or more steps.
  • A tool descriptor is defined using the ComandLineTool class.
  • How can we use a tool descriptor in a single step workflow?

Developing Multi-Step Workflows

  • A multi-step workflow has multiple entries under the steps section
  • Workflow development can be an iterative process
  • A CWL workflow can be represented as a dependency graph, either to explain your workflow or as a planning tool

Resources for Reusing Tools and Scripts

  • bio-cwl-tools is a library of CWL documents for biology/life-sciences related tools

Debugging Workflows

More Information