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All URIs are relative to /ica/rest

Method HTTP request Description
create_analysis_creation_batch POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch Create and start multiple analyses in batch.
get_analysis_creation_batch GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId} Retrieve a analysis creation batch.
get_analysis_creation_batch_item GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} Retrieve a analysis creation batch item.
get_analysis_creation_batch_items GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId}/items Retrieve a list of analysis creation batch items.


AnalysisCreationBatch create_analysis_creation_batch(project_id, create_analysis_creation_batch)

Create and start multiple analyses in batch.


  • Api Key Authentication (ApiKeyAuth):
  • Bearer (JWT) Authentication (JwtAuth):
import time
import libica.openapi.v2
from libica.openapi.v2.api import project_analysis_creation_batch_api
from libica.openapi.v2.model.create_analysis_creation_batch import CreateAnalysisCreationBatch
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch import AnalysisCreationBatch
from libica.openapi.v2.model.problem import Problem
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /ica/rest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    host = "/ica/rest"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JwtAuth
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with libica.openapi.v2.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = project_analysis_creation_batch_api.ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi(api_client)
    project_id = "projectId_example" # str | 
    create_analysis_creation_batch = CreateAnalysisCreationBatch(
                user_reference="26bUUGjjNSwg0_bs9ZayIM/dgN/b6gvxmPb9GcsM61ate1RA89q3w1l4eH4XxEz-5awxoFZxHzs6ED-kjUSnTINkYPUndNl8pmPg5K897Fu1JEFj9R1_dz/rEoBi0LnU8SsOWJ7wYrczi/Qdt8mVLxbg4bCLrLBcmXxWQK6MzKSg5jphei0IfRRwpnT_Z-qKa_YppZepezJ0-VmLSUTLYyW- e_jxxzpBvw-y P/SI-13 AOsiPRVvnXrDhh58EJzzOxprDzE3pjHRAkK7vI7/jcoPqzNk YKJOXJ2zkgYnmU-hV4pJhQ7dhTAGxjARc6SZKg2qV/ hA054g00j8CXRM4JZgexx5/BmiUdb8V-5tS7Ce-8OP8jM6Q/ap ieHoJL0cOHxhIz6IzRjPiSbv46JLcKaA-xTwLJcAkoNQxJsCUIkorO-2KAnnTOE8M6xmSejA6BGR RDxxWc493QsJ JFt/rxtNb3BtpHGNB33FSli/EaSDC3Jwlo9Aq-OZySuGXBwuNL5ICjOL uxZFN7oEXv3Rjr7mZXbY7cFU6HPiDV aM8XFtx5ef7XxGahEx5as4igHCaW/gfGuN6Yogo9e2fmFQ_q_V0iz1l6lakAtMD7gXmnBhySbG7coPhWOlWnLvrLZaxa78JI_LGepDuQ3z-LtIx RE8z6ZbHjz/3coUV uT/EXw3Z8KLTvaqhteQpbwYU8rf85eyxCXQ02l2UfQbP/Hwb TbI1I6mS 9V-ofBBak wevR6F 37RS4Mqp-z9OYCpSjEqZEdbOOqMNkk0MEG4PgSZp-tY7nzp2V09rLuCvfKd3/B7Nke4pyLFXi20uVuBIVQWxeziEmPj4-KIZ4EBDYGMeHwlQHgxMV_coQzDZPhSAcDWSu58NayafWzmTt-P7RTuj3iloSmvq6ptM/paqws8RfvaYMfrqa8yWUb/aew8fGzxL8UBpf4IYjQxCBv0aEqODMs6 __HvAARQCZ_HKqroXyt6-Y8imaC5It9ZEZjIoZP9V1EjbA-tFQv/KOFpHUcVNnqDdEconiUhJ/_OYqv01dQetO3oDTHSQdhLouT7merxKTcqNMpXfpU5ktnd4BBULIW0N/GhiW92gAEui/l WoiEW-tzti/9q3K407VNjp2Rdt_M_wxbjDN svNTMlZscMPUeqTE205sTZIkhsadNbiDH3R9hn/97bNktDzITop4y58kMdi7sEjYIZXQNI/G2UN7cFEvraG_8ul060s0W5myfNUsZOAfyRSKwumr7vrmbObYZ5LLOTkAJpJ6yD/EyKvzp oyT1iV44YK Q7W9XH_ nC87n1lMXx/cpcof84rc bTU20M2sFqt4zswj63S37gymcb35PFmFooUEItJ/WXmmb6rN-PG7CfVVrIXdUuyma63xZJQfyqFaad9jaJKwsaFZawt9CZCsgO_EkphsT/YD6 2t z_dodcIO0StQgTXeyp0Q-9qUn4jz1sIzDHdZi5DAKyeNjBARo-Dde72ZQ7rgUiF6NuAm_ZXdh 6NvD08O/uXF_iMcrZ0AkcxL21NwNNfADepMfPI jxbyGRU9VFh-_a9Mbcva1MSFLSU/GAcLlmJPzj1b/En KXp2ZJ1qP6EIAQRw6KWw-PSWFS0LzB0tz6JsM zfsuuNyQ1F qNTmvGd/34AbRwr1Mi1qq8Bv/7r73NXsLH6lkp_YwgeBZkfv7aEST19XJTe9 4t GIqXuFdD/054gT-SQFzTGrV3v TunXGLysUh_by7pmMGuKPyyeSFxct6Ze7099nRsM3R50i8YYD7uU6_-V/RO7VbVfLxqbCc-GimutTgMtTfBOiI07gLv8fxp8Rrvb2oVixDwL_5GL/dkyb0ofYJLarfJrS4gkeTAfK5NMnpgtwWLpKWVb8A/uQa TKwyJvJPBgILfXHpRfA79W9rCcVEcc1VmOZvW3--sp_E2t2terN4_2lcppBwgjIIFpE/9wjR SU K0GOwW4T/aO1NV6_Hx-5jhuPYUigmskjs38qptZPjGbQcMS6bq4jio6/n_hxYgCm- Z/K_7Ms5LyP8NoYNVF5v/C_I7qzU/pSP39e4y_L 2jAgjSpNK_48uV-MZ7CZL92Y/TDLRif4BX0k_kxk-VTaov2mlM18SfVTJ/mcMNVIO85230RBh-y9g8MNnnvGKT10t-mI5XH9biew58zTl0rQVIApvKA eQe3wv SD86JI2WO4rz8dSltvVqfei/m5FrnEpLvFqwhHFvdn0kEWtwPAhULVh_u/c  m 15yE3/jO3gKaP YHCaCFHZkWsh-mLTR_p_ZhJXuOoIsNHZsK m5ntCxGzmy4lVW_PKmo 4vtEAhOm289Yqnh43gtmE0DcSlXRhP/iRTQHkAPGO AROE GYzP3aIBvIz2Du0PJgDeBXnU3IgkF7V-jBW/R9V8PHmR5UHiFYWfIRAHRUzlaQ_5fkL16fmprt8wmIyj95MZALC3mmE-9-9QIQ_TxYHnPGd129xGytHvWDBO-HWa9uog_gy/B_Lcv_NbdKzBHV0mHJ0otqw-2cVo74hoJwmXoaUvId-qA0zLPa/yNACHAPKtKgQ-wkE FxSQB6am1_36v_4sO/L0 obeH_A5Q g0U8nnM/tLSIw h_9TVGO7HSAcUt2jm2mJ6jxIaRYSQHPbXmRPRzaWrmwaKy4EMWPwbc-aU2Q37XoigypCN/O vMz_s2eIdV-ysI6yTso6oV4n2icY_UqIX3aXe8/fjQVrmDXiXxxvBTvfg06jgn9-ScpKH8N5C4XWGVGRk3j37rxQmI4kwvKHhIKCAUvIkWH6jwZxFRo eIKF/u9HDcrUBkJ7XvQAc-6hPCiLNyumZW bZ1Z1lFtnk615uonsVXHfF05q0NRqj15TZJbNNeHStQMOuYC_jqdm9E9SG W_klzb/D/EIYyIete7WHGdGvaz8OlgB8y7yFT3urhGfXNdaf9LPJpeol/Hsm_twH5CZ0hw5E79TYBg5mTcvHosbmds0/lnttAjUMBqupVLK3x4 0AG976YmWGXzKcfMwo/AJe6AqMxeiI54JCwm88akvPHFEeT/B2_DFbeoWsodas1SE0ZbMSAutkOh5Xxm5JinIE-HSc3Uum5CXQM8IAqgV7Pt7UP7R-a-gxq3pkrhbyaL /g06Y18ROfY0YdRY3jzlcCRRc0YCrW8XRt5tBgOBd9I6/WfODawxODTr6XaLBZ4N4HcKJ0/9/176mYQK5G5Zg_-QRvAnzbzYh01qrNB/0OPLkLvQwJMAZYcIIuHLVBKQgB0tiFZAgCaX_xRaJdoCvlRQ2NFmqxndmXhZUKursXMGxzxNhAE-TRB8qkmv3x3zsY/hWxhBU-WrXobNN/UrgSnP/Hqo0hrfoM/2nH G5cT7PUzahLIwtoU8svwt-H5quoR L8lSHdFBrWE3qxdnl3KF6G9CqDK1MEEUL/z_3v2OEgVjFWE0PvPA tgxkNhx5gRDEgjBNW",
                user_reference="26bUUGjjNSwg0_bs9ZayIM/dgN/b6gvxmPb9GcsM61ate1RA89q3w1l4eH4XxEz-5awxoFZxHzs6ED-kjUSnTINkYPUndNl8pmPg5K897Fu1JEFj9R1_dz/rEoBi0LnU8SsOWJ7wYrczi/Qdt8mVLxbg4bCLrLBcmXxWQK6MzKSg5jphei0IfRRwpnT_Z-qKa_YppZepezJ0-VmLSUTLYyW- e_jxxzpBvw-y P/SI-13 AOsiPRVvnXrDhh58EJzzOxprDzE3pjHRAkK7vI7/jcoPqzNk YKJOXJ2zkgYnmU-hV4pJhQ7dhTAGxjARc6SZKg2qV/ hA054g00j8CXRM4JZgexx5/BmiUdb8V-5tS7Ce-8OP8jM6Q/ap ieHoJL0cOHxhIz6IzRjPiSbv46JLcKaA-xTwLJcAkoNQxJsCUIkorO-2KAnnTOE8M6xmSejA6BGR RDxxWc493QsJ JFt/rxtNb3BtpHGNB33FSli/EaSDC3Jwlo9Aq-OZySuGXBwuNL5ICjOL uxZFN7oEXv3Rjr7mZXbY7cFU6HPiDV aM8XFtx5ef7XxGahEx5as4igHCaW/gfGuN6Yogo9e2fmFQ_q_V0iz1l6lakAtMD7gXmnBhySbG7coPhWOlWnLvrLZaxa78JI_LGepDuQ3z-LtIx RE8z6ZbHjz/3coUV uT/EXw3Z8KLTvaqhteQpbwYU8rf85eyxCXQ02l2UfQbP/Hwb TbI1I6mS 9V-ofBBak wevR6F 37RS4Mqp-z9OYCpSjEqZEdbOOqMNkk0MEG4PgSZp-tY7nzp2V09rLuCvfKd3/B7Nke4pyLFXi20uVuBIVQWxeziEmPj4-KIZ4EBDYGMeHwlQHgxMV_coQzDZPhSAcDWSu58NayafWzmTt-P7RTuj3iloSmvq6ptM/paqws8RfvaYMfrqa8yWUb/aew8fGzxL8UBpf4IYjQxCBv0aEqODMs6 __HvAARQCZ_HKqroXyt6-Y8imaC5It9ZEZjIoZP9V1EjbA-tFQv/KOFpHUcVNnqDdEconiUhJ/_OYqv01dQetO3oDTHSQdhLouT7merxKTcqNMpXfpU5ktnd4BBULIW0N/GhiW92gAEui/l WoiEW-tzti/9q3K407VNjp2Rdt_M_wxbjDN svNTMlZscMPUeqTE205sTZIkhsadNbiDH3R9hn/97bNktDzITop4y58kMdi7sEjYIZXQNI/G2UN7cFEvraG_8ul060s0W5myfNUsZOAfyRSKwumr7vrmbObYZ5LLOTkAJpJ6yD/EyKvzp oyT1iV44YK Q7W9XH_ nC87n1lMXx/cpcof84rc bTU20M2sFqt4zswj63S37gymcb35PFmFooUEItJ/WXmmb6rN-PG7CfVVrIXdUuyma63xZJQfyqFaad9jaJKwsaFZawt9CZCsgO_EkphsT/YD6 2t z_dodcIO0StQgTXeyp0Q-9qUn4jz1sIzDHdZi5DAKyeNjBARo-Dde72ZQ7rgUiF6NuAm_ZXdh 6NvD08O/uXF_iMcrZ0AkcxL21NwNNfADepMfPI jxbyGRU9VFh-_a9Mbcva1MSFLSU/GAcLlmJPzj1b/En KXp2ZJ1qP6EIAQRw6KWw-PSWFS0LzB0tz6JsM zfsuuNyQ1F qNTmvGd/34AbRwr1Mi1qq8Bv/7r73NXsLH6lkp_YwgeBZkfv7aEST19XJTe9 4t GIqXuFdD/054gT-SQFzTGrV3v TunXGLysUh_by7pmMGuKPyyeSFxct6Ze7099nRsM3R50i8YYD7uU6_-V/RO7VbVfLxqbCc-GimutTgMtTfBOiI07gLv8fxp8Rrvb2oVixDwL_5GL/dkyb0ofYJLarfJrS4gkeTAfK5NMnpgtwWLpKWVb8A/uQa TKwyJvJPBgILfXHpRfA79W9rCcVEcc1VmOZvW3--sp_E2t2terN4_2lcppBwgjIIFpE/9wjR SU K0GOwW4T/aO1NV6_Hx-5jhuPYUigmskjs38qptZPjGbQcMS6bq4jio6/n_hxYgCm- Z/K_7Ms5LyP8NoYNVF5v/C_I7qzU/pSP39e4y_L 2jAgjSpNK_48uV-MZ7CZL92Y/TDLRif4BX0k_kxk-VTaov2mlM18SfVTJ/mcMNVIO85230RBh-y9g8MNnnvGKT10t-mI5XH9biew58zTl0rQVIApvKA eQe3wv SD86JI2WO4rz8dSltvVqfei/m5FrnEpLvFqwhHFvdn0kEWtwPAhULVh_u/c  m 15yE3/jO3gKaP YHCaCFHZkWsh-mLTR_p_ZhJXuOoIsNHZsK m5ntCxGzmy4lVW_PKmo 4vtEAhOm289Yqnh43gtmE0DcSlXRhP/iRTQHkAPGO AROE GYzP3aIBvIz2Du0PJgDeBXnU3IgkF7V-jBW/R9V8PHmR5UHiFYWfIRAHRUzlaQ_5fkL16fmprt8wmIyj95MZALC3mmE-9-9QIQ_TxYHnPGd129xGytHvWDBO-HWa9uog_gy/B_Lcv_NbdKzBHV0mHJ0otqw-2cVo74hoJwmXoaUvId-qA0zLPa/yNACHAPKtKgQ-wkE FxSQB6am1_36v_4sO/L0 obeH_A5Q g0U8nnM/tLSIw h_9TVGO7HSAcUt2jm2mJ6jxIaRYSQHPbXmRPRzaWrmwaKy4EMWPwbc-aU2Q37XoigypCN/O vMz_s2eIdV-ysI6yTso6oV4n2icY_UqIX3aXe8/fjQVrmDXiXxxvBTvfg06jgn9-ScpKH8N5C4XWGVGRk3j37rxQmI4kwvKHhIKCAUvIkWH6jwZxFRo eIKF/u9HDcrUBkJ7XvQAc-6hPCiLNyumZW bZ1Z1lFtnk615uonsVXHfF05q0NRqj15TZJbNNeHStQMOuYC_jqdm9E9SG W_klzb/D/EIYyIete7WHGdGvaz8OlgB8y7yFT3urhGfXNdaf9LPJpeol/Hsm_twH5CZ0hw5E79TYBg5mTcvHosbmds0/lnttAjUMBqupVLK3x4 0AG976YmWGXzKcfMwo/AJe6AqMxeiI54JCwm88akvPHFEeT/B2_DFbeoWsodas1SE0ZbMSAutkOh5Xxm5JinIE-HSc3Uum5CXQM8IAqgV7Pt7UP7R-a-gxq3pkrhbyaL /g06Y18ROfY0YdRY3jzlcCRRc0YCrW8XRt5tBgOBd9I6/WfODawxODTr6XaLBZ4N4HcKJ0/9/176mYQK5G5Zg_-QRvAnzbzYh01qrNB/0OPLkLvQwJMAZYcIIuHLVBKQgB0tiFZAgCaX_xRaJdoCvlRQ2NFmqxndmXhZUKursXMGxzxNhAE-TRB8qkmv3x3zsY/hWxhBU-WrXobNN/UrgSnP/Hqo0hrfoM/2nH G5cT7PUzahLIwtoU8svwt-H5quoR L8lSHdFBrWE3qxdnl3KF6G9CqDK1MEEUL/z_3v2OEgVjFWE0PvPA tgxkNhx5gRDEgjBNW",
    ) # CreateAnalysisCreationBatch | 
    idempotency_key = "Idempotency-Key_example" # str | The Idempotency-Key header can be used to prevent duplicate requests and support retries. It is implemented according to the IETF spec, with one exception (see below). The header value is allowed to be max 255 characters long. If the header is supplied for a successful response (HTTP status code < 400) then the response  will be saved for 7 days for the specific API endpoint, header value and user reference. When the same user makes  a new request within 7 days to the same API endpoint with the same Idempotency-Key header value, following use cases can occur:<br /><ul><li>the request body is the same as the previous request and an answer is stored => the stored response is returned without executing the request again.</li><li>the request body is the same as the previous request and no answer is stored because the previous request has not finished => 409 error response, which indicates that the original call is still in progress.</li><li>the request body is not the same as the previous request => 422 error response, as this is not allowed.</li></ul>This means that each time when executing a new API request using the Idempotency-Key header, the request has to contain a new header value that hasn't been used (successfully) in the past 7 days for that specific API endpoint and by the specific user. For error responses (HTTP status code >= 400) we allow clients to retry the call. This is where we don't follow the IETF specification. (optional)

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
        # Create and start multiple analyses in batch.
        api_response = api_instance.create_analysis_creation_batch(project_id, create_analysis_creation_batch)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->create_analysis_creation_batch: %s\n" % e)

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
    # and optional values
        # Create and start multiple analyses in batch.
        api_response = api_instance.create_analysis_creation_batch(project_id, create_analysis_creation_batch, idempotency_key=idempotency_key)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->create_analysis_creation_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
project_id str
create_analysis_creation_batch CreateAnalysisCreationBatch
idempotency_key str The Idempotency-Key header can be used to prevent duplicate requests and support retries. It is implemented according to the IETF spec, with one exception (see below). The header value is allowed to be max 255 characters long. If the header is supplied for a successful response (HTTP status code < 400) then the response will be saved for 7 days for the specific API endpoint, header value and user reference. When the same user makes a new request within 7 days to the same API endpoint with the same Idempotency-Key header value, following use cases can occur:<br /><ul><li>the request body is the same as the previous request and an answer is stored => the stored response is returned without executing the request again.</li><li>the request body is the same as the previous request and no answer is stored because the previous request has not finished => 409 error response, which indicates that the original call is still in progress.</li><li>the request body is not the same as the previous request => 422 error response, as this is not allowed.</li></ul>This means that each time when executing a new API request using the Idempotency-Key header, the request has to contain a new header value that hasn't been used (successfully) in the past 7 days for that specific API endpoint and by the specific user. For error responses (HTTP status code >= 400) we allow clients to retry the call. This is where we don't follow the IETF specification. [optional]

Return type



ApiKeyAuth, JwtAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/vnd.illumina.v3+json
  • Accept: application/problem+json, application/vnd.illumina.v3+json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 The analyses are scheduled for creation. -
0 A problem occurred. -

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AnalysisCreationBatch get_analysis_creation_batch(project_id, batch_id)

Retrieve a analysis creation batch.


  • Api Key Authentication (ApiKeyAuth):
  • Bearer (JWT) Authentication (JwtAuth):
import time
import libica.openapi.v2
from libica.openapi.v2.api import project_analysis_creation_batch_api
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch import AnalysisCreationBatch
from libica.openapi.v2.model.problem import Problem
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /ica/rest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    host = "/ica/rest"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JwtAuth
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with libica.openapi.v2.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = project_analysis_creation_batch_api.ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi(api_client)
    project_id = "projectId_example" # str | 
    batch_id = "batchId_example" # str | The ID of the analysis creation batch

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
        # Retrieve a analysis creation batch.
        api_response = api_instance.get_analysis_creation_batch(project_id, batch_id)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->get_analysis_creation_batch: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
project_id str
batch_id str The ID of the analysis creation batch

Return type



ApiKeyAuth, JwtAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/problem+json, application/vnd.illumina.v3+json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The analysis creation batch is successfully retrieved. -
0 A problem occurred. -

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AnalysisCreationBatchItemV4 get_analysis_creation_batch_item(project_id, batch_id, item_id)

Retrieve a analysis creation batch item.

Changelog For this endpoint multiple versions exist. Note that the values for request headers 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' must contain a matching version. ## [V3] Initial version ## [V4] Field 'createdAnalysis' changes: * Field type 'status' changed from enum to String. New statuses have been added: ['QUEUED', 'INITIALIZING', 'PREPARING_INPUTS', 'GENERATING_OUTPUTS', 'ABORTING']. * Field analysisPriority changed from enum to String. * The owner and tenant are now represented by Identifier objects.


  • Api Key Authentication (ApiKeyAuth):
  • Bearer (JWT) Authentication (JwtAuth):
import time
import libica.openapi.v2
from libica.openapi.v2.api import project_analysis_creation_batch_api
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch_item_v4 import AnalysisCreationBatchItemV4
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch_item_v3 import AnalysisCreationBatchItemV3
from libica.openapi.v2.model.problem import Problem
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /ica/rest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    host = "/ica/rest"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JwtAuth
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with libica.openapi.v2.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = project_analysis_creation_batch_api.ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi(api_client)
    project_id = "projectId_example" # str | 
    batch_id = "batchId_example" # str | The ID of the analysis creation batch
    item_id = "itemId_example" # str | The ID of the analysis creation batch item

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
        # Retrieve a analysis creation batch item.
        api_response = api_instance.get_analysis_creation_batch_item(project_id, batch_id, item_id)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->get_analysis_creation_batch_item: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
project_id str
batch_id str The ID of the analysis creation batch
item_id str The ID of the analysis creation batch item

Return type



ApiKeyAuth, JwtAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/problem+json, application/vnd.illumina.v4+json, application/vnd.illumina.v3+json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The analysis creation batch item is successfully retrieved. -
0 A problem occurred. -

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AnalysisCreationBatchItemPagedListV4 get_analysis_creation_batch_items(project_id, batch_id)

Retrieve a list of analysis creation batch items.

Changelog For this endpoint multiple versions exist. Note that the values for request headers 'Content-Type' and 'Accept' must contain a matching version. ## [V3] * Initial version ## [V4] ## Item field 'createdAnalysis' changes: * Field type 'status' changed from enum to String. New statuses have been added: ['QUEUED', 'INITIALIZING', 'PREPARING_INPUTS', 'GENERATING_OUTPUTS', 'ABORTING']. * Field analysisPriority changed from enum to String. * The owner and tenant are now represented by Identifier objects.


  • Api Key Authentication (ApiKeyAuth):
  • Bearer (JWT) Authentication (JwtAuth):
import time
import libica.openapi.v2
from libica.openapi.v2.api import project_analysis_creation_batch_api
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch_item_paged_list_v4 import AnalysisCreationBatchItemPagedListV4
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_creation_batch_item_paged_list_v3 import AnalysisCreationBatchItemPagedListV3
from libica.openapi.v2.model.problem import Problem
from pprint import pprint
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /ica/rest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    host = "/ica/rest"

# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.

# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'

# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JwtAuth
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
    access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with libica.openapi.v2.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance = project_analysis_creation_batch_api.ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi(api_client)
    project_id = "projectId_example" # str | 
    batch_id = "batchId_example" # str | The ID of the analysis creation batch
    status = [
    ] # [str] | The statuses to filter on. (optional)
    page_offset = "pageOffset_example" # str | [only use with offset-based paging]<br>The amount of rows to skip in the result. Ideally this is a multiple of the size parameter. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages (optional)
    page_token = "pageToken_example" # str | [only use with cursor-based paging]<br>The cursor to get subsequent results. The value to use is returned in the result when using cursor-based pagination. Cursor-based pagination guarantees complete and unique results across all pages. (optional)
    page_size = "pageSize_example" # str | [can be used with both offset- and cursor-based paging]<br>The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset (when using offset-based pagination) or cursor (when using cursor-based pagination) parameter to get subsequent results (optional)

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
        # Retrieve a list of analysis creation batch items.
        api_response = api_instance.get_analysis_creation_batch_items(project_id, batch_id)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->get_analysis_creation_batch_items: %s\n" % e)

    # example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
    # and optional values
        # Retrieve a list of analysis creation batch items.
        api_response = api_instance.get_analysis_creation_batch_items(project_id, batch_id, status=status, page_offset=page_offset, page_token=page_token, page_size=page_size)
    except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi->get_analysis_creation_batch_items: %s\n" % e)


Name Type Description Notes
project_id str
batch_id str The ID of the analysis creation batch
status [str] The statuses to filter on. [optional]
page_offset str [only use with offset-based paging]<br>The amount of rows to skip in the result. Ideally this is a multiple of the size parameter. Offset-based pagination has a result limit of 200K rows and does not guarantee unique results across pages [optional]
page_token str [only use with cursor-based paging]<br>The cursor to get subsequent results. The value to use is returned in the result when using cursor-based pagination. Cursor-based pagination guarantees complete and unique results across all pages. [optional]
page_size str [can be used with both offset- and cursor-based paging]<br>The amount of rows to return. Use in combination with the offset (when using offset-based pagination) or cursor (when using cursor-based pagination) parameter to get subsequent results [optional]

Return type



ApiKeyAuth, JwtAuth

HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: application/problem+json, application/vnd.illumina.v4+json, application/vnd.illumina.v3+json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The list of analysis creation batch items is successfully retrieved. -
0 A problem occurred. -

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