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Name Type Description Notes
id str
time_created datetime
time_modified datetime
owner_id str
tenant_id str
code str The code of the pipeline
description str The description of the pipeline
language str The language that is used by the pipeline
pipeline_tags PipelineTag
analysis_storage AnalysisStorageV3
tenant_name str, none_type [optional]
urn str, none_type The URN of the pipeline. The format is urn:ilmn:ica:\<type of the object\>:\<ID of the object\>#\<optional human readable hint representing the object\>. The hint can be omitted, in that case the hashtag (#) must also be omitted. [optional]
status str, none_type The status of the pipeline [optional]
language_version PipelineLanguageVersion [optional]
proprietary bool, none_type A boolean which indicates if the code of this pipeline is proprietary [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
any string name bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]

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