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Name Type Description Notes
conditions [FindSampleCondition] Adds a condition on a string field.
date_conditions [FindSampleDateCondition] Adds a condition on a date metadate field. If both the dateBefore and dateAfter parameter are null it will return any sample that has no value for the date field.
number_conditions [FindSampleNumberCondition] Adds a condition on a number metadata field. If both the lowerBoundary and upperBoundary parameter are null it will return any sample that has no value for the number field.
boolean_conditions [FindSampleBooleanCondition] Adds a condition on a boolean field.
full_text_search_string str, none_type Adds a fuzzy matching condition for the text on all string fields of the sample i.e. on both the fixed fields (name, description) as any metadata text field. [optional]
include_deleted bool, none_type Indicates whether deleted samples should be included. [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of False
user_tags [str, none_type], none_type The usertags to filter on. The userTagMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. [optional]
user_tag_match_mode str, none_type How the usertags are filtered. [optional]
run_input_tags [str, none_type], none_type The runInputTags to filter on. The runInputTagMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. [optional]
run_input_tag_match_mode str, none_type How the runInputTags are filtered. [optional]
connector_tags [str, none_type], none_type The connectorTags to filter on. The connectorTagMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. [optional]
connector_tag_match_mode str, none_type How the connectorTags are filtered. [optional]
tech_tags [str, none_type], none_type The technicalTags to filter on. The techTagMatchMode-parameter determines how the filtering is done. [optional]
tech_tag_match_mode str, none_type How the technicalTags are filtered. [optional]
instrument_run_ids [str, none_type], none_type [optional]
any string name bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type [optional]

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