This API can be used to interact with Illumina Connected Analytics.
Authentication to the API can be done in multiple ways:
- For the entire API, except for the POST /tokens endpoint: API-key + JWT
- Only for the POST /tokens endpoint: API-key + Basic Authentication
API keys are managed within the Illumina portal where you can manage your profile after you have logged on. The API-key has to be provided in the X-API-Key header parameter when executing API calls to ICA. In the background, a JWT will be requested at the IDP of Illumina to create a session. A good practice is to not use the API-key for every API call, but to first generate a JWT and to use that for authentication in subsequent calls.
To avoid using an API-key for each call, we recommend to request a JWT via the POST /tokens endpoint using this API-key. The JWT will expire after a pre-configured period specified by a tenant administrator through the IAM console in the Illumina portal. The JWT is the preferred way for authentication.A not yet expired, still valid JWT could be refreshed using the POST /tokens:refresh endpoint.
Refreshing the JWT is not possible if the JWT was generated by using an API-key.
Basic Authentication
Basic authentication is only supported by the POST /tokens endpoint for generating a JWT. Use \"Basic base64encoded(emailaddress:password)\" in the \"Authorization\" header parameter for this authentication method. In case having access to multiple tenants using the same email-address, also provide the \"tenant\" request parameter to indicate what tenant you would like to request a JWT for.
If the API client provides request header 'Accept-Encoding' with value 'gzip', then the API applies GZIP compression on the JSON response. This significantly reduces the size and thus the download time of the response, which results in faster end-to-end API calls. In case of compression, the API also provides response header 'Content-Encoding' with value 'gzip', as indication for the client that decompression is required.The libica.openapi.v2
package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 3
- Package version: 1.0.0
- Build date: 2024-07-26T12:09:11.714860+10:00[Australia/Melbourne]
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
Python >=3.6
Installation & Usage¶
This python library package is generated without supporting files like or requirements files
To be able to use it, you will need these dependencies in your own package that uses this library:
- urllib3 >= 1.25.3
- python-dateutil
Getting Started¶
In your own code, to use this library to connect and interact with libica.openapi.v2, you can run the following:
import time
import libica.openapi.v2
from pprint import pprint
from libica.openapi.v2.api import analysis_storage_api
from libica.openapi.v2.model.analysis_storage_list_v3 import AnalysisStorageListV3
from libica.openapi.v2.model.problem import Problem
# Defining the host is optional and defaults to /ica/rest
# See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
host = "/ica/rest"
# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
# in accordance with the API server security policy.
# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
# satisfies your auth use case.
# Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
configuration.api_key['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
# configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKeyAuth'] = 'Bearer'
# Configure Bearer authorization (JWT): JwtAuth
configuration = libica.openapi.v2.Configuration(
access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with libica.openapi.v2.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
# Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = analysis_storage_api.AnalysisStorageApi(api_client)
# Retrieve the list of analysis storage options.
api_response = api_instance.get_analysis_storage_options()
except libica.openapi.v2.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling AnalysisStorageApi->get_analysis_storage_options: %s\n" % e)
Documentation for API Endpoints¶
All URIs are relative to /ica/rest
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AnalysisStorageApi | get_analysis_storage_options | GET /api/analysisStorages | Retrieve the list of analysis storage options. |
BundleApi | accept_terms_of_use_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termsOfUse:accept | accept terms of use for a bundle |
BundleApi | create_bundle | POST /api/bundles | Create a new bundle |
BundleApi | deprecate_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}:deprecate | deprecate a bundle |
BundleApi | get_bundle | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId} | Retrieve a bundle. |
BundleApi | get_bundle_terms_of_use | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termsOfUse | Retrieve the last version of terms of use for a bundle. |
BundleApi | get_bundles | GET /api/bundles | Retrieve a list of bundles. |
BundleApi | get_terms_of_use_acceptance | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termsOfUse/userAcceptance/currentUser | Retrieve the acceptance record for a bundle for the current user. |
BundleApi | insert_bundle_terms_of_use | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/termsOfUse:new | Insert a new version of the terms of use for a bundle |
BundleApi | release_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}:release | release a bundle |
BundleDataApi | get_bundle_data | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/data | Retrieve the list of bundle data. |
BundleDataApi | link_data_to_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/data/{dataId} | Link data to this bundle. |
BundleDataApi | unlink_data_from_bundle | DELETE /api/bundles/{bundleId}/data/{dataId} | Unlink data from this bundle. |
BundleDataLinkingBatchApi | create_bundle_data_linking_batch | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataLinkingBatch | Create a bundle data linking batch. |
BundleDataLinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_linking_batch | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a bundle data linking batch. |
BundleDataLinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_linking_batch_item | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a bundle data linking batch item. |
BundleDataLinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_linking_batch_items | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of bundle data linking batch items. |
BundleDataUnlinkingBatchApi | create_bundle_data_unlinking_batch | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataUnlinkingBatch | Create a bundle data unlinking batch. |
BundleDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_unlinking_batch | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a bundle data unlinking batch. |
BundleDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_unlinking_batch_item | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a bundle data unlinking batch item. |
BundleDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_bundle_data_unlinking_batch_items | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of bundle data unlinking batch items. |
BundlePipelineApi | get_bundle_pipelines | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/pipelines | Retrieve a list of bundle pipelines. |
BundlePipelineApi | link_pipeline_to_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Link a pipeline to a bundle. |
BundlePipelineApi | unlink_pipeline_from_bundle | DELETE /api/bundles/{bundleId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Unlink a pipeline from a bundle. |
BundleSampleApi | get_bundle_samples | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/samples | Retrieve a list of bundle samples. |
BundleSampleApi | link_sample_to_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/samples/{sampleId} | Link a sample to a bundle. |
BundleSampleApi | unlink_sample_from_bundle | DELETE /api/bundles/{bundleId}/samples/{sampleId} | Unlink a sample from a bundle. |
BundleToolApi | get_bundle_tools | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools | Retrieve a list of bundle tools. |
BundleToolApi | get_tools_eligible_for_linking_to_bundle | GET /api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools/eligibleForLinking | Retrieve a list of tools eligible for linking to the bundle. |
BundleToolApi | link_tool_to_bundle | POST /api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools/{toolId} | Link a tool to a bundle |
BundleToolApi | unlink_tool_from_bundle | DELETE /api/bundles/{bundleId}/tools/{toolId} | Unlink a tool from this bundle. |
ConnectorApi | cancel_connector | POST /api/connectors/{connectorId}:cancel | Cancel a connector. |
ConnectorApi | create_connector | POST /api/connectors | Create a connector. |
ConnectorApi | create_download_rule | POST /api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules | Create a download rule. |
ConnectorApi | create_upload_rule | POST /api/connectors/{connectorId}/uploadRules | Create an upload rule. |
ConnectorApi | delete_download_rule | DELETE /api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules/{downloadRuleId} | Delete a download rule. |
ConnectorApi | delete_upload_rule | DELETE /api/connectors/{connectorId}/uploadRules/{uploadRuleId} | Delete an upload rule. |
ConnectorApi | disable_connector | POST /api/connectors/{connectorId}:disable | Disable a connector. |
ConnectorApi | enable_connector | POST /api/connectors/{connectorId}:enable | Enable a connector. |
ConnectorApi | get_connector | GET /api/connectors/{connectorId} | Retrieve a connector. |
ConnectorApi | get_connectors | GET /api/connectors | Retrieve a list of connectors. |
ConnectorApi | get_download_rule | GET /api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules/{downloadRuleId} | Retrieve a download rule. |
ConnectorApi | get_download_rules | GET /api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules | Retrieve a list of download rules. |
ConnectorApi | get_upload_rule | GET /api/connectors/{connectorId}/uploadRules/{uploadRuleId} | Retrieve an upload rule. |
ConnectorApi | get_upload_rules | GET /api/connectors/{connectorId}/uploadRules | Retrieve a list of upload rules. |
ConnectorApi | update_download_rule | PUT /api/connectors/{connectorId}/downloadRules/{downloadRuleId} | Update a download rule. |
ConnectorApi | update_upload_rule | PUT /api/connectors/{connectorId}/uploadRules/{uploadRuleId} | Update an upload rule. |
DataApi | create_download_url_for_data_without_project_context | POST /api/data/{dataUrn}:createDownloadUrl | Retrieve a download URL for this data. |
DataApi | create_inline_view_url_for_data_without_project_context | POST /api/data/{dataUrn}:createInlineViewUrl | Retrieve an URL for this data to use for inline view in a browser. |
DataApi | get_data | GET /api/data/{dataUrn} | Retrieve a data. |
DataFormatApi | get_data_formats | GET /api/dataFormats | Retrieve a list of data formats. |
EntitledBundleApi | accept_terms_of_use_entitled_bundle | POST /api/entitledbundles/{entitledBundleId}/termsOfUse:accept | Accept terms of use for an entitled bundle |
EntitledBundleApi | get_entitled_bundle | GET /api/entitledbundles/{entitledBundleId} | Retrieve an entitled bundle. |
EntitledBundleApi | get_entitled_bundle_terms_of_use | GET /api/entitledbundles/{entitledBundleId}/termsOfUse | Retrieve the last version of terms of use for an entitled bundle. |
EntitledBundleApi | get_entitled_bundle_terms_of_use_acceptance | GET /api/entitledbundles/{entitledBundleId}/termsOfUse/userAcceptance/currentUser | Retrieve the acceptance record for an entitled bundle for the current user. |
EntitledBundleApi | get_entitled_bundles | GET /api/entitledbundles | Retrieve a list of entitled bundles. |
EntitlementDetailApi | find_all_matching_activation_codes_for_cwl | POST /api/activationCodes:findAllMatchingForCwl | Search all matching activation code details for a Cwl pipeline. |
EntitlementDetailApi | find_all_matching_activation_codes_for_nextflow | POST /api/activationCodes:findAllMatchingForNextflow | Search all matching activation code details for a Nextflow pipeline. |
EntitlementDetailApi | find_best_matching_activation_code_for_cwl | POST /api/activationCodes:findBestMatchingForCwl | Search the best matching activation code detail for Cwl pipeline. |
EntitlementDetailApi | find_best_matching_activation_codes_for_nextflow | POST /api/activationCodes:findBestMatchingForNextflow | Search the best matching activation code details for Nextflow pipeline. |
EventCodeApi | get_event_codes | GET /api/eventCodes | Retrieve event codes |
EventLogApi | get_event_logs | GET /api/eventLog | Retrieve a list of event logs. |
EventLogApi | search_event_logs | POST /api/eventLog:search | Search event logs. |
JobApi | get_job | GET /api/jobs/{jobId} | Retrieve a job. |
JobApi | get_jobs | GET /api/jobs | Retrieve a list of jobs. |
MetadataModelApi | get_metadata_model | GET /api/metadataModels/{metadataModelId} | Retrieve a metadata model. Only metadata models that the user has access to can be retrieved. |
MetadataModelApi | get_metadata_model_fields | GET /api/metadataModels/{metadataModelId}/fields | Retrieve the fields of a metadata model. Only metadata models that the user has access to can be retrieved. |
MetadataModelApi | get_metadata_models | GET /api/metadataModels | Retrieve the metadata models for the tenant associated to the security context. |
MetadataModelApi | get_tenant_model | GET /api/metadataModels/tenantModel | Retrieve the tenant model for the tenant associated to the security context. |
NotificationChannelApi | create_notification_channel | POST /api/notificationChannels | Create a notification channel |
NotificationChannelApi | delete_notification_channel | DELETE /api/notificationChannels/{channelId} | Delete a notification channel |
NotificationChannelApi | get_notification_channel | GET /api/notificationChannels/{channelId} | Retrieve a notification channel |
NotificationChannelApi | get_notification_channels | GET /api/notificationChannels | Retrieve notification channels |
NotificationChannelApi | update_notification_channel | PUT /api/notificationChannels/{channelId} | Update a notification channel |
PipelineApi | download_pipeline_file_content | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files/{fileId}/content | Download the contents of a pipeline file. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Retrieve a pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline_configuration_parameters | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/configurationParameters | Retrieve configuration parameters for a pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline_files | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files | Retrieve files for a pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline_html_documentation | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/documentation/HTML | Retrieve HTML documentation for a project pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline_input_parameters | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/inputParameters | Retrieve input parameters for a pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipeline_reference_sets | GET /api/pipelines/{pipelineId}/referenceSets | Retrieve the reference sets of a pipeline. |
PipelineApi | get_pipelines | GET /api/pipelines | Retrieve a list of pipelines. |
PipelineLanguageApi | get_nextflow_versions | GET /api/pipelineLanguages/nextflow/versions | Retrieve a list of nextflow versions. |
ProjectApi | change_project_owner | POST /api/projects/{projectId}:changeOwner | Change the project owner. |
ProjectApi | create_project | POST /api/projects | Create a new project. |
ProjectApi | get_project | GET /api/projects/{projectId} | Retrieve a project. |
ProjectApi | get_project_bundle | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/bundles/{bundleId} | Retrieve a project bundle. |
ProjectApi | get_project_bundles | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/bundles | Retrieve project bundles. |
ProjectApi | get_projects | GET /api/projects | Retrieve a list of projects. |
ProjectApi | hide_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}:hide | Hide a project. |
ProjectApi | link_project_bundle | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/bundles/{bundleId} | Link a bundle to a project. |
ProjectApi | unlink_project_bundle | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/bundles/{bundleId} | Unlink a bundle from a project. |
ProjectApi | update_project | PUT /api/projects/{projectId} | Update a project. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | abort_analysis | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}:abort | Abort an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | create_cwl_analysis | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:cwl | Create and start an analysis for a CWL pipeline. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | create_nextflow_analysis | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:nextflow | Create and start an analysis for a Nextflow pipeline. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analyses | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses | Retrieve the list of analyses. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analysis | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId} | Retrieve an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analysis_configurations | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/configurations | Retrieve the configurations of an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analysis_inputs | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/inputs | Retrieve the inputs of an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analysis_outputs | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/outputs | Retrieve the outputs of an analysis. The list might be incomplete if a folder contains too many output files, but all the data can always be retrieved through the GET data endpoint. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_analysis_steps | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/steps | Retrieve the individual steps of an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_cwl_input_json | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/cwl/inputJson | Retrieve the input json of a CWL analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_cwl_output_json | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/cwl/outputJson | Retrieve the output json of a CWL analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | get_raw_analysis_output | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId}/rawOutput | Retrieve the raw output of an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | search_analyses | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysis:search | Search analyses. |
ProjectAnalysisApi | update_analysis | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/analyses/{analysisId} | Update an analysis. |
ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi | create_analysis_creation_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch | Create and start multiple analyses in batch. |
ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi | get_analysis_creation_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a analysis creation batch. |
ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi | get_analysis_creation_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a analysis creation batch item. |
ProjectAnalysisCreationBatchApi | get_analysis_creation_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisCreationBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of analysis creation batch items. |
ProjectAnalysisStorageApi | get_project_analysis_storage_options | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/analysisStorages | Retrieve the list of project analysis storage options. |
ProjectBaseApi | create_base_connection_details | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/base:connectionDetails | Creates the connection details to snowflake instance. |
ProjectBaseApi | get_base_job | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/base/jobs/{baseJobId} | Retrieve a base job. |
ProjectBaseApi | get_base_jobs | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/base/jobs | Retrieve a list of base jobs |
ProjectBaseApi | get_base_tables | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/base/tables | Retrieve a list of base tables. |
ProjectBaseApi | load_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/base/tables/{tableId}:loadData | Load data in a base table. |
ProjectCustomEventsApi | create_custom_event | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/customEvents | Create a new custom event. |
ProjectCustomNotificationSubscriptionsApi | create_custom_notification_subscription | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/customNotificationSubscriptions | Create a custom notification subscription |
ProjectCustomNotificationSubscriptionsApi | delete_custom_notification_subscription | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/customNotificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Delete a custom notification subscription |
ProjectCustomNotificationSubscriptionsApi | get_custom_notification_subscription | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/customNotificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Retrieve a notification subscription |
ProjectCustomNotificationSubscriptionsApi | get_custom_notification_subscriptions | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/customNotificationSubscriptions | Retrieve notification subscriptions |
ProjectCustomNotificationSubscriptionsApi | update_custom_notification_subscription | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/customNotificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Update a notification subscription |
ProjectDataApi | add_secondary_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/secondaryData/{secondaryDataId} | Add secondary data to data. |
ProjectDataApi | archive_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:archive | Schedule this data for archival. |
ProjectDataApi | complete_folder_upload_session | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/folderUploadSessions/{folderUploadSessionId}:complete | Complete a trackable folder upload session. |
ProjectDataApi | create_data_in_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data | Create data in this project. |
ProjectDataApi | create_download_url_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:createDownloadUrl | Retrieve a download URL for this data. |
ProjectDataApi | create_download_urls_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data:createDownloadUrls | Retrieve download URLs for the data. |
ProjectDataApi | create_folder_upload_session | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/folderUploadSessions | Create a trackable folder upload session. |
ProjectDataApi | create_inline_view_url_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:createInlineViewUrl | Retrieve an URL for this data to use for inline view in a browser. |
ProjectDataApi | create_temporary_credentials_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:createTemporaryCredentials | Retrieve temporary credentials for this data. |
ProjectDataApi | create_upload_url_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:createUploadUrl | Retrieve an upload URL for this data. |
ProjectDataApi | delete_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:delete | Schedule this data for deletion. |
ProjectDataApi | get_data_eligible_for_linking | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/eligibleForLinking | Retrieve a list of data eligible for linking to the current project. |
ProjectDataApi | get_folder_upload_session | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/folderUploadSessions/{folderUploadSessionId} | Retrieve folder upload session details. |
ProjectDataApi | get_non_sample_project_data | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/nonSampleData | Retrieve a list of project data not linked to a sample. |
ProjectDataApi | get_project_data | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId} | Retrieve a project data. |
ProjectDataApi | get_project_data_children | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/children | Retrieve the children of this data. |
ProjectDataApi | get_project_data_list | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data | Retrieve the list of project data. |
ProjectDataApi | get_projects_linked_to_data | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/linkedProjects | Retrieve a list of projects to which this data is linked. |
ProjectDataApi | get_secondary_data | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/secondaryData | Retrieve a list of secondary data for data. |
ProjectDataApi | link_data_to_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId} | Link data to this project. |
ProjectDataApi | remove_secondary_data | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}/secondaryData/{secondaryDataId} | Remove secondary data from data. |
ProjectDataApi | schedule_download_for_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:scheduleDownload | Schedule a download. |
ProjectDataApi | unarchive_data | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:unarchive | Schedule this data for unarchival. |
ProjectDataApi | unlink_data_from_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId}:unlink | Unlink data from this project. |
ProjectDataApi | update_project_data | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/data/{dataId} | Update this project data. |
ProjectDataCopyBatchApi | create_project_data_copy_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataCopyBatch | Create a project data copy batch. |
ProjectDataCopyBatchApi | get_project_data_copy_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataCopyBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a project data copy batch. |
ProjectDataCopyBatchApi | get_project_data_copy_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataCopyBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a project data copy batch item. |
ProjectDataCopyBatchApi | get_project_data_copy_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataCopyBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of project data copy batch items. |
ProjectDataLinkingBatchApi | create_project_data_linking_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataLinkingBatch | Create a project data linking batch. |
ProjectDataLinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_linking_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a project data linking batch. |
ProjectDataLinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_linking_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a project data linking batch item. |
ProjectDataLinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_linking_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataLinkingBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of project data linking batch items. |
ProjectDataMoveBatchApi | create_project_data_move_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataMoveBatch | Create a project data move batch. |
ProjectDataMoveBatchApi | get_project_data_move_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataMoveBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a project data move batch. |
ProjectDataMoveBatchApi | get_project_data_move_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataMoveBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a project data move batch item. |
ProjectDataMoveBatchApi | get_project_data_move_batch_items | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataMoveBatch/{batchId}/items:search | Retrieve a list of project data move batch items. |
ProjectDataTransferApi | abort_data_transfer | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataTransfers/{dataTransferId}:abort | Abort a data transfer. |
ProjectDataTransferApi | get_data_transfer | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataTransfers/{dataTransferId} | Retrieve a data transfer. |
ProjectDataTransferApi | get_data_transfers | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataTransfers | Retrieve a list of data transfers. |
ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchApi | create_project_data_unlinking_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch | Create a project data unlinking batch. |
ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_unlinking_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a project data unlinking batch. |
ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_unlinking_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a project data unlinking batch item. |
ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchApi | get_project_data_unlinking_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUnlinkingBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of project data unlinking batch items. |
ProjectDataUpdateBatchApi | create_project_data_update_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch | Create a project data update batch. |
ProjectDataUpdateBatchApi | get_project_data_update_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a project data update batch. |
ProjectDataUpdateBatchApi | get_project_data_update_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a project data update batch item. |
ProjectDataUpdateBatchApi | get_project_data_update_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/dataUpdateBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of project data update batch items. |
ProjectNotificationSubscriptionsApi | create_notification_subscription | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions | Create a notification subscription |
ProjectNotificationSubscriptionsApi | delete_notification_subscription | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Delete a notification subscription |
ProjectNotificationSubscriptionsApi | get_notification_subscription | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Retrieve a notification subscription |
ProjectNotificationSubscriptionsApi | get_notification_subscriptions | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions | Retrieve notification subscriptions |
ProjectNotificationSubscriptionsApi | update_notification_subscription | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/notificationSubscriptions/{subscriptionId} | Update a notification subscription |
ProjectPermissionApi | create_project_permission | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/permissions | Create a project permission. |
ProjectPermissionApi | get_project_permission | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/permissions/{permissionId} | Retrieve a project permission. |
ProjectPermissionApi | get_project_permissions | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/permissions | Retrieve a list of project permissions. |
ProjectPermissionApi | update_project_permission | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/permissions/{permissionId} | Update a project permission. |
ProjectPipelineApi | create_cwl_pipeline | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines:createCwlPipeline | Create a CWL pipeline within a project. |
ProjectPipelineApi | create_nextflow_pipeline | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines:createNextflowPipeline | Create a Nextflow pipeline within a project. |
ProjectPipelineApi | create_project_pipeline_file | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files | Create a file for a pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | delete_project_pipeline_file | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files/{fileId} | Delete a file for a pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | download_project_pipeline_file_content | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files/{fileId}/content | Download the contents of a pipeline file. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Retrieve a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline_configuration_parameters | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/configurationParameters | Retrieve configuration parameters for a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline_files | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files | Retrieve files for a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline_html_documentation | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/documentation/HTML | Retrieve HTML documentation for a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline_input_parameters | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/inputParameters | Retrieve input parameters for a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipeline_reference_sets | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/referenceSets | Retrieve the reference sets of a project pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | get_project_pipelines | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines | Retrieve a list of project pipelines. |
ProjectPipelineApi | link_pipeline_to_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Link a pipeline to a project. |
ProjectPipelineApi | release_project_pipeline | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}:release | Release a pipeline. |
ProjectPipelineApi | unlink_pipeline_from_project | DELETE /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId} | Unlink a pipeline from a project. |
ProjectPipelineApi | update_project_pipeline_file | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/pipelines/{pipelineId}/files/{fileId}/content | Update the contents of a file for a pipeline. |
ProjectSampleApi | add_metadata_model_to_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/metadata/{metadataModelId} | Add a metadata model to a sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | complete_project_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:complete | Completes the sample after data has been linked to it. |
ProjectSampleApi | create_sample_in_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples | Create a new sample in this project |
ProjectSampleApi | deep_delete_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:deleteDeep | Delete a sample together with all of its data. |
ProjectSampleApi | delete_and_unlink_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:deleteUnlink | Delete a sample and unlink its data. |
ProjectSampleApi | delete_sample_with_input | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:deleteWithInput | Delete a sample as well as its input data. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_project_sample | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId} | Retrieve a project sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_project_sample_analyses | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/analyses | Retrieve the list of analyses. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_project_samples | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples:search | Retrieve project samples. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_projects_for_sample | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/projects | Retrieve a list of projects for this sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_sample_data_list | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/data | Retrieve the list of sample data. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_sample_history | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/history | Retrieve sample history. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_sample_metadata_field | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/metadata/field/{fieldId} | Retrieve a metadata field. |
ProjectSampleApi | get_sample_metadata_field_count | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/metadata/{fieldId}/fieldCount | Retrieves the number of occurrences of a given field. |
ProjectSampleApi | link_data_to_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/data/{dataId} | Link data to a sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | link_sample_to_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId} | Link a sample to a project. |
ProjectSampleApi | mark_sample_deleted | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:deleteMark | Mark a sample deleted. |
ProjectSampleApi | search_project_sample_analyses | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/analyses:search | Search analyses for sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | unlink_data_from_sample | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/data/{dataId}:unlink | Unlink data from a sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | unlink_sample_from_project | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}:unlink | Unlink a sample from a project. |
ProjectSampleApi | update_project_sample | PUT /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId} | Update a project sample. |
ProjectSampleApi | update_sample_metadata_fields | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/samples/{sampleId}/metadata:updateFields | Update metadata fields. |
ProjectSampleBatchApi | create_sample_creation_batch | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/sampleCreationBatch | Create a sample creation batch. |
ProjectSampleBatchApi | get_sample_creation_batch | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/sampleCreationBatch/{batchId} | Retrieve a sample creation batch. |
ProjectSampleBatchApi | get_sample_creation_batch_item | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/sampleCreationBatch/{batchId}/items/{itemId} | Retrieve a sample creation batch item. |
ProjectSampleBatchApi | get_sample_creation_batch_items | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/sampleCreationBatch/{batchId}/items | Retrieve a list of sample creation batch items. |
ProjectWorkflowSessionApi | get_workflow_session_configurations | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions/{workflowSessionId}/configurations | Retrieve the configurations of a workflow session. |
ProjectWorkflowSessionApi | get_workflow_session_inputs | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions/{workflowSessionId}/inputs | Retrieve the inputs of a workflow session. |
ProjectWorkflowSessionApi | get_workflow_sessions | GET /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions | Retrieve the list of workflow sessions. |
ProjectWorkflowSessionApi | search_orchestrated_analyses | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions/{workflowSessionId}/analyses:search | Search analyses orchestrated by the workflow session. |
ProjectWorkflowSessionApi | search_workflow_sessions | POST /api/projects/{projectId}/workflowSessions:search | Search workflow sessions. |
ReferenceSetApi | get_reference_sets | GET /api/referenceSets | Retrieve a list of of reference sets. |
ReferenceSetApi | get_species | GET /api/referenceSets/{referenceSetId}/species | Retrieve a list of species linked to the reference set. |
RegionApi | get_region | GET /api/regions/{regionId} | Retrieve a region. Only the regions the user has access to through his/her entitlements can be retrieved. |
RegionApi | get_regions | GET /api/regions | Retrieve a list of regions. Only the regions the user has access to through his/her entitlements are returned. |
SampleApi | get_samples | GET /api/samples | Retrieve a list of samples. |
SequencingRunApi | get_sequencing_run | GET /api/sequencingRuns/{sequencingRunId} | Retrieve a sequencing run. |
StorageBundleApi | get_storage_bundles | GET /api/storageBundles | Retrieve a list of storage bundles. |
StorageConfigurationApi | create_storage_configuration | POST /api/storageConfigurations | Create a new storage configuration |
StorageConfigurationApi | get_storage_configuration | GET /api/storageConfigurations/{storageConfigurationId} | Retrieve a storage configuration. |
StorageConfigurationApi | get_storage_configuration_details | GET /api/storageConfigurations/{storageConfigurationId}/details | Retrieve a storage configuration detail. |
StorageConfigurationApi | get_storage_configurations | GET /api/storageConfigurations | Retrieve a list of storage configurations. |
StorageConfigurationApi | share_storage_configuration | POST /api/storageConfigurations/{storageConfigurationId}:share | Share your own storage configuration with tenant. |
StorageConfigurationApi | validate_storage_configuration | POST /api/storageConfigurations/{storageConfigurationId}:validate | Start validation of your storage configuration. |
StorageCredentialsApi | create_storage_credential | POST /api/storageCredentials | Create a new storage credential |
StorageCredentialsApi | get_storage_credential | GET /api/storageCredentials/{storageCredentialId} | Retrieve a storage credential. |
StorageCredentialsApi | get_storage_credentials | GET /api/storageCredentials | Retrieve a list of storage credentials. |
StorageCredentialsApi | share_storage_credential | POST /api/storageCredentials/{storageCredentialId}:share | Share your own storage credentials with tenant. |
StorageCredentialsApi | update_storage_credential_secrets | POST /api/storageCredentials/{storageCredentialId}:updateSecrets | Update a storage credential's secrets. |
SystemApi | get_system_info | GET /api/system/info | Retrieve system information. |
TokenApi | create_jwt_token | POST /api/tokens | Generate a JWT using an API-key, Basic Authentication or a psToken. |
TokenApi | refresh_jwt_token | POST /api/tokens:refresh | Refresh a JWT using a not yet expired, still valid JWT. |
UserApi | approve_user | POST /api/users/{userId}:approve | Approve a user. |
UserApi | assign_tenant_admin_rights_to_user | POST /api/users/{userId}:assignTenantAdministratorRights | Assign tenant administrator rights to a user. |
UserApi | get_user | GET /api/users/{userId} | Retrieve a user. |
UserApi | get_users | GET /api/users | Retrieve a list of users. |
UserApi | revoke_tenant_admin_rights_to_user | POST /api/users/{userId}:revokeTenantAdministratorRights | Revoke tenant administrator rights to a user. |
UserApi | update_user | PUT /api/users/{userId} | Update a user. |
WorkgroupApi | get_workgroup | GET /api/workgroups/{workgroupId} | Retrieve a workgroup. |
WorkgroupApi | get_workgroups | GET /api/workgroups | Retrieve a list of workgroups. |
Documentation For Models¶
- AWSDetails
- ActivationCodeDetail
- ActivationCodeDetailList
- ActivationCodeDetailUsage
- AnalysisBaseSpaceDataDetails
- AnalysisCreationBatch
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemPagedListV3
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemPagedListV4
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemProcessing
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemRequest
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemV3
- AnalysisCreationBatchItemV4
- AnalysisData
- AnalysisDataInput
- AnalysisExternalData
- AnalysisInput
- AnalysisInputDataMount
- AnalysisInputExternalData
- AnalysisInputList
- AnalysisOutput
- AnalysisOutputList
- AnalysisOutputMapping
- AnalysisPagedListV3
- AnalysisPagedListV4
- AnalysisParameterInput
- AnalysisQueryParameters
- AnalysisRawOutput
- AnalysisReferenceDataParameter
- AnalysisS3DataDetails
- AnalysisStep
- AnalysisStepList
- AnalysisStepLogs
- AnalysisStorageListV3
- AnalysisStorageListV4
- AnalysisStorageV3
- AnalysisStorageV4
- AnalysisTag
- AnalysisV3
- AnalysisV4
- Application
- AwsCredentials
- AwsTempCredentials
- BaseConnection
- BaseJob
- BaseJobList
- Bundle
- BundleData
- BundleDataLinkingBatch
- BundleDataLinkingBatchItem
- BundleDataLinkingBatchItemPagedList
- BundleDataLinkingBatchItemProcessing
- BundleDataLinkingBatchItemRequest
- BundleDataPagedList
- BundleDataUnlinkingBatch
- BundleDataUnlinkingBatchItem
- BundleDataUnlinkingBatchItemPagedList
- BundleDataUnlinkingBatchItemProcessing
- BundleDataUnlinkingBatchItemRequest
- BundleList
- BundlePagedList
- BundlePipeline
- BundlePipelineList
- BundleSample
- BundleSamplePagedList
- BundleTool
- BundleToolsList
- CWLToolDefinition
- ChangeProjectOwner
- CompleteFolderUploadSession
- Connector
- ConnectorList
- Country
- CreateAnalysisCreationBatch
- CreateAnalysisTag
- CreateBundle
- CreateBundleDataLinkingBatch
- CreateBundleDataLinkingBatchItem
- CreateBundleDataUnlinkingBatch
- CreateBundleDataUnlinkingBatchItem
- CreateConnector
- CreateCustomEvent
- CreateCustomNotificationSubscription
- CreateCwlAnalysis
- CreateData
- CreateDownloadRule
- CreateNextflowAnalysis
- CreateNotificationChannel
- CreateNotificationSubscription
- CreateProject
- CreateProjectDataCopyBatch
- CreateProjectDataCopyBatchItem
- CreateProjectDataLinkingBatch
- CreateProjectDataLinkingBatchItem
- CreateProjectDataMoveBatch
- CreateProjectDataMoveBatchItem
- CreateProjectDataUnlinkingBatch
- CreateProjectDataUnlinkingBatchItem
- CreateProjectDataUpdateBatch
- CreateProjectPermission
- CreateProjectPermissionV4
- CreateSample
- CreateSampleCreationBatch
- CreateSampleCreationBatchDataItem
- CreateSampleCreationBatchSampleItem
- CreateStorageConfiguration
- CreateStorageCredential
- CreateTemporaryCredentials
- CreateTermsOfUse
- CreateUploadRule
- CustomNotificationSubscription
- CustomNotificationSubscriptionList
- CwlAnalysisInput
- CwlAnalysisInputJson
- CwlAnalysisJsonInput
- CwlAnalysisOutputJson
- CwlAnalysisStructuredInput
- CwlToolDefinitionList
- Data
- DataDetails
- DataFormat
- DataFormatPagedList
- DataIdOrPathList
- DataList
- DataPagedList
- DataTag
- DataTransfer
- DataTransferPagedList
- DataUpdateGroup
- DataUrlWithPath
- DataUrlWithPathList
- Download
- DownloadRule
- DownloadRuleList
- EventCode
- EventCodeList
- EventLogListV3
- EventLogPagedListV4
- EventLogQueryParametersV4
- EventLogV3
- EventLogV4
- ExecutionConfiguration
- ExecutionConfigurationList
- Field
- FieldId
- FieldList
- FindProjectSamples
- FindSampleBooleanCondition
- FindSampleCondition
- FindSampleDateCondition
- FindSampleNumberCondition
- FolderUploadSession
- InlineView
- InputParameter
- InputParameterList
- InputPart
- InputPartMediaType
- IntegerSettings
- Job
- JobPagedList
- Link
- Links
- LoadDataInBaseRequest
- MetadataField
- MetadataModel
- MetadataModelList
- Model
- MultipartFormDataInput
- NextflowAnalysisInput
- NotificationChannel
- NotificationChannelList
- NotificationSubscription
- NotificationSubscriptionList
- OptionSettings
- OptionalSampleTags
- PipelineBundle
- PipelineConfigurationParameter
- PipelineConfigurationParameterList
- PipelineFile
- PipelineFileList
- PipelineHtmlDocumentation
- PipelineLanguageVersion
- PipelineLanguageVersionList
- PipelineList
- PipelineTag
- PipelineV3
- PipelineV4
- Problem
- Project
- ProjectBaseTable
- ProjectBaseTableList
- ProjectBundle
- ProjectBundleList
- ProjectData
- ProjectDataCopyBatch
- ProjectDataCopyBatchItem
- ProjectDataCopyBatchItemPagedList
- ProjectDataCopyBatchItemProcessing
- ProjectDataCopyBatchItemRequest
- ProjectDataLinkingBatch
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItem
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemPagedList
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemPagedListV4
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemProcessing
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemProcessingV4
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemRequest
- ProjectDataLinkingBatchItemV4
- ProjectDataMoveBatch
- ProjectDataMoveBatchItem
- ProjectDataMoveBatchItemPagedList
- ProjectDataMoveBatchItemProcessing
- ProjectDataMoveBatchItemQueryParameters
- ProjectDataMoveBatchItemRequest
- ProjectDataPagedList
- ProjectDataUnlinkingBatch
- ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchItem
- ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchItemPagedList
- ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchItemProcessing
- ProjectDataUnlinkingBatchItemRequest
- ProjectDataUpdateBatch
- ProjectDataUpdateBatchItem
- ProjectDataUpdateBatchItemPagedList
- ProjectDataUpdateBatchItemProcessing
- ProjectDataUpdateBatchItemRequest
- ProjectList
- ProjectPagedList
- ProjectPermission
- ProjectPermissionList
- ProjectPermissionListV4
- ProjectPermissionV4
- ProjectPipeline
- ProjectPipelineList
- ProjectSample
- ProjectSamplePagedList
- ProjectTag
- RcloneTempCredentials
- ReferenceData
- ReferenceDataList
- ReferenceDataType
- ReferenceDataTypeList
- ReferenceSet
- ReferenceSetList
- Region
- RegionList
- Sample
- SampleCreationBatch
- SampleCreationBatchItemPagedList
- SampleCreationBatchItemProcessing
- SampleCreationBatchItemRequest
- SampleCreationBatchSampleItem
- SampleHistory
- SampleHistoryList
- SamplePagedList
- SampleTag
- ScheduleDownload
- SearchMatchingActivationCodesForCwlAnalysis
- SearchMatchingActivationCodesForNextflowAnalysis
- SequencingRun
- Settings
- Species
- SpeciesList
- StorageBundle
- StorageBundleList
- StorageConfiguration
- StorageConfigurationDetails
- StorageConfigurationWithDetails
- StorageConfigurationWithDetailsList
- StorageCredential
- StorageCredentialList
- StringSettings
- SystemInfo
- TagUpdate
- TempCredentials
- TenantIdentifier
- TermsOfUse
- TermsOfUseAcceptance
- Token
- UpdateMetadata
- UpdateMetadataFieldGroup
- UpdateSingleMetadataField
- UpdateStorageCredentialSecrets
- Upload
- UploadRule
- UploadRuleList
- User
- UserIdentifier
- UserList
- WorkflowSessionAnalysisPagedListV4
- WorkflowSessionAnalysisV4
- WorkflowSessionConfiguration
- WorkflowSessionConfigurationList
- WorkflowSessionData
- WorkflowSessionExternalData
- WorkflowSessionInput
- WorkflowSessionInputList
- WorkflowSessionPagedListV3
- WorkflowSessionPagedListV4
- WorkflowSessionTag
- WorkflowSessionV3
- WorkflowSessionV4
- WorkflowV3
- WorkflowV4
- Workgroup
- WorkgroupList
Documentation For Authorization¶
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: X-API-Key
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: Bearer authentication (JWT)
- Type: Bearer authentication (psToken)
Notes for Large OpenAPI documents¶
If the OpenAPI document is large, imports in libica.openapi.v2.apis and libica.openapi.v2.models may fail with a RecursionError indicating the maximum recursion limit has been exceeded. In that case, there are a couple of solutions:
Solution 1:
Use specific imports for apis and models like:
- from libica.openapi.v2.api.default_api import DefaultApi
- from import Pet
Solution 2: Before importing the package, adjust the maximum recursion limit as shown below:
import sys
import libica.openapi.v2
from libica.openapi.v2.apis import *
from libica.openapi.v2.models import *