Name | Type | Description | Notes |
access_key_id | str | Access key for use with AWS S3 | [optional] |
secret_access_key | str | Secret key for use with AWS S3 | [optional] |
session_token | str | Token for use with AWS S3 | [optional] |
region | str | AWS region the folder will/does reside in | [optional] |
bucket_name | str | AWS bucket the folder will/does reside in | [optional] |
key_prefix | str | AWS upload location for this folder | [optional] |
expiration_date | datetime | expiration for temporary credentials | [optional] |
service_url | str | Service endpoint for accessing S3. This is optional for AWS S3, but mandatory for other services like Taiwan Computing Cloud. | [optional] |
server_side_encryption_algorithm | str | Used to specify the type of server-side encryption (SSE) to be used on the object provider. This value is used to determine the Amazon S3 header \"x-amz-server-side-encryption\" value. For example, specify \"AES256\" for SSE-S3, or \"AWS:KMS\" for SSE-KMS. By default if none is specified, \"AES256\" will be used. | [optional] |
server_side_encryption_key | str | Used to specify the serve-side encryption key that might be associated with the specified server-side encryption algorithm This value can be the AWS KMS arn key, to be used for the Amazon S3 header \"x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id\" value Value will be ignored if encryption is \"AES256\" | [optional] |