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Reads the TMB_Trace.tsv file output from the TSO500 workflow.





Path to file.


x <- system.file("extdata/tso/sample705_TMB_Trace.tsv", package = "dracarys")
#> # A tibble: 1,639 × 20
#>    Chromosome Position RefCall AltCall    VAF Depth CytoBand GeneName           
#>    <chr>         <dbl> <chr>   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr>    <chr>              
#>  1 chr1        2488153 A       G       0.559     93 1p36.32  LOC100133445:TNFRS…
#>  2 chr1        4367323 G       A       1         55 1p36.32  NA                 
#>  3 chr1       11205058 C       T       1         52 1p36.22  MTOR:MTOR-AS1      
#>  4 chr1       11288758 G       A       1         75 1p36.22  MTOR               
#>  5 chr1       11301714 A       G       1         82 1p36.22  MTOR               
#>  6 chr1       18957546 G       A       0.573     75 1p36.13  PAX7               
#>  7 chr1       19027239 A       G       0.581    117 1p36.13  PAX7               
#>  8 chr1       19071752 T       C       1        107 1p36.13  PAX7               
#>  9 chr1       19071759 G       T       0.0182   110 1p36.13  PAX7               
#> 10 chr1       19072926 A       G       1         79 1p36.13  PAX7               
#> # ℹ 1,629 more rows
#> # ℹ 12 more variables: VariantType <chr>, CosmicIDs <chr>,
#> #   MaxCosmicCount <dbl>, AlleleCountsGnomadExome <dbl>,
#> #   AlleleCountsGnomadGenome <dbl>, AlleleCounts1000Genomes <dbl>,
#> #   MaxDatabaseAlleleCounts <dbl>, GermlineFilterDatabase <chr>,
#> #   GermlineFilterProxi <chr>, CodingVariant <chr>, Nonsynonymous <chr>,
#> #   IncludedInTMBNumerator <chr>