Reads the TSV file output by Arriba.
A tibble with the contents of the input TSV file, or NULL if input is NULL or TSV has no data rows.
x <- system.file("rawdata/test_data/dragen/arriba/fusions.tsv", package = "RNAsum")
(a <- arriba_tsv_read(x))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 30
#> gene1 gene2 `strand1(gene/fusion)` `strand2(gene/fusion)` breakpoint1
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#> 1 EP300-AS1 XRCC6 -/- +/+ chr22:4119…
#> 2 LAPTM4A AC098828.3 -/- -/- chr2:20051…
#> 3 FNIP1 AC112492.… -/- ./+ chr5:13164…
#> 4 ZFP64 MORC2 -/- -/- chr20:5209…
#> # ℹ 25 more variables: breakpoint2 <chr>, site1 <chr>, site2 <chr>, type <chr>,
#> # split_reads1 <dbl>, split_reads2 <dbl>, discordant_mates <dbl>,
#> # coverage1 <dbl>, coverage2 <dbl>, confidence <chr>, reading_frame <chr>,
#> # tags <chr>, retained_protein_domains <chr>,
#> # closest_genomic_breakpoint1 <chr>, closest_genomic_breakpoint2 <chr>,
#> # gene_id1 <chr>, gene_id2 <chr>, transcript_id1 <chr>, transcript_id2 <chr>,
#> # direction1 <chr>, direction2 <chr>, filters <chr>, …